How to prepare yourself for a long road trip in Australia

The best way to see everything Australia has to offer is with a long road trip. Just imagine nothing but you and your favourite people in the car and the open road ahead. But life on the road is more than just driving. You need to know how to survive.  

How to prepare yourself for a long road trip in Australia

A long drive through Australia 

To get the best experience out of your trip, you need to have everything you need in your car. Doing so saves you the trouble and allows you to focus on moment. During your drive, remember to take breaks every now and then.  

If you booked a car rental in Australia for the trip, remember to ask about limitations and ask about the rental agreement to avoid problems down the line. 

And so, here are some of the things you should prepare when going on a long drive through Australia for your next holiday:  

Pack according to the weather 

To ensure you stay either warm or cool throughout the ride, check the weather for the days you’ll be on the road. You should then pack accordingly.  

While packing, remember to bring along some offline entertainment for your passengers. It can be a book or a game. If you want something everyone can enjoy, download some podcasts and audiobooks. You can even create a road trip playlist for everyone to enjoy while in the car.  

Keep in mind for drivers, that they should never partake in any of the activities that their passengers are doing to avoid distraction. They should always keep their eyes on the road. 

Stay at an Airbnb 

Rest stops are important. To save, choose to stay at Airbnb’s. While planning your trip, make it a point to look for reputable Airbnb’s along your route and find one where you would want to stay for the night.  

Some offer breakfast as part of their package and getting one with a breakfast package allows you not only to fuel up before continuing your drive but also to save you some time from preparing your own breakfast. 

Pack some food and water 

Speaking of eating, pack some road trip-friendly food. This is especially important if you have kids with you. There are several types of road trip food you can pack ranging from nuts to sandwiches 

Also, bring enough water for the trip, and refill it whenever you get the chance. That way, everyone stays hydrated and fed throughout the journey. 

A first aid kit will go a long way 

Another thing to keep with you in the car is a first aid kit. Make sure its equipped with bandages, medicine for colds and food poisoning among others.  

Once ready, keep it somewhere with easy access like the centre console of your car or the glove compartment. It always pays to be prepared. 

Prepare an emergency plan 

Things don’t always go according to plan. It pays to have a backup plan in place so you and everyone else will know what to do 

For example, if you’re going into a crowd, then pick out a place for everyone to meet in case you get separated, and there’s no phone signal. 

An excellent place to do that is where you parked the car. Knowing how to deal with animal bites is also good to know so that you know how to treat it in case of an emergency.  

Avoid driving at night 

Lastly, avoid driving at night. This is often the time when fatigue sets in and you are more prone to accidents. The roads also look a bit different in the dark. So, park for the night at your selected Airbnb and rest 

Keeping yourself well rested before driving helps prevent accidents and keeps you alert to any danger coming your way.  

Once arrangements are made, and your bags packed, the last thing you need to prepare is yourself. Have everything you need with you and set off on your road trip through Australia for an experience of a lifetime.  



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