5 top tips for staying safe in the summer sun 

When the sun has well and truly got its hat on – which doesn’t happen too often here in the UK – it’s essential that we do our best to protect ourselves and others from the heat and the UV rays. 

relaxing by the pool

With this in mind, we’ve put together five top tips for staying safe this summer for both you and your loved ones, whether you’re staying at home or you’ve booked one of the last-minute holidays at one of the UK holiday parks, on offer at the moment. 

So, if you’re ready, let’s explore five ways in which you can be well prepared for the sunshine… 

Sun cream 

An obvious tip, but one many forget about, even on a slightly warmer than normal day – whenever the sun comes out, it’s best to always apply sun cream to all exposed areas, including your face! 

Everyone’s skin is different and may require a higher factor of protection, but we recommend always applying 30 and above, to give you the best sun protection. 

When it comes to your face, many don’t like the way sun cream feels. However, there are sun protection products out there designed purely for your face, some even have a tint in them to help replace your light foundation. 

Refillable drinking bottles 

Another way to stay safe in the warmer weather is to carry a refillable bottle. Keep this topped up with cool water, and be sure to take a drink from it every 30 minutes or so. Remember, if you start to feel thirsty, that’s your body’s way of telling you you’re already dehydrated and need replenishing with water. 

If, however, you don’t like the taste of water, try adding a slice of lemon, lime and a sprig of mint to your water, or any fruit you prefer. 

Fresh fruits 

Believe it or not, another way to keep hydrated in the sunshine is to eat fresh fruits such as watermelon. This is due to the high-water properties fruits such as watermelon contain, meaning that you’re rehydrating yourself whilst enjoying a nice slice of fruit. 

To help keep cool, keep the watermelon or fruit in the fridge or cool box before eating, so you get hydrated and cooled at the same time. 


Staying out of direct sunlight is a great way to stay safe when the sun is shining. Many people believe that if you stay in the shade you won’t get a tan, but this isn’t the case, as you can still burn and tan when in the shade. So, despite sitting in the shaded areas, we still recommend applying sun cream. 

Hats and sunglasses 

If you’re venturing outside, be sure to wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses. 

Wearing a hat will help protect your scalp from the sun – many forget about a hat and find they have a sore head when they go home from a day of exploring, as they’ve burned their scalp in the sun. 

Sunglasses are another way to protect yourself in the sunlight, as this can help users reduce the UV rays that penetrate the eye area, and reduce the amount of squinting you do throughout the day. Squinting too much can cause headaches, so a pair of sunglasses can help reduce this too. 


Now you know how to stay a little safer in the sun, it’s time to get ready for the sunshine to appear in the UK… How long it stays for, who knows? 


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