Traveling with Your Bird Friend? Here’s Some Heads-Up for a Smooth Experience!

As any pet owner would relate, pets are family, and as such you want spend as much time with them as possible; holidays included. Trips would certainly be a great deal more fun when shared with your animal friend, even that of the feathery kind.  A bird as a companion can enrich your travels in more ways than one, offering support, friendship, and comfort, all with the lovely chirping that can brighten even the gloomiest of days.

Parrot in cage

Besides using this opportunity to strengthen and deepen the relationship you share, this bonding time sprinkled with fun and exploration is highly beneficial for your avian friend. Getting to be around and meet new people is entertaining for birds as the social creatures they are. Moreover, being with you at all times means you protect them from unnecessary stress like that of experiencing separation anxiety when staying with a bird sitter. And lastly, visiting new places means stimulating them intellectually too.

Be that as it may, travelling with birds is no walk in the park, and you need to do your part in proper planning and preparation to ensure this turns out to be an exciting experience for both of you – like checking to see if the Airbnb or hotel at your desired destination allows birdy to go for a visit first and foremost!

Choose the Appropriate Bird Cage

Same as when preparing the home for the arrival of your pet bird, your companion requires a safe and secure bird travel carrier for the trip, regardless of whether it’s on the road or up in the air. Despite what it may seem, the idea of keeping the chirpy friend loose can be dangerous for both of you, and others involved in the traffic or travel.

Mind you, though, you’d be surprised how crafty and strong that beak can be when it comes to trying out escape tricks and breaking out, so forget about the regular cage you have at home. One specifically made for trips can give you peace of mind regarding durability, strength, ventilation, and comfort.

With this in mind, you need to know what it is you’re looking for before the shopping given that there’s an assortment of travel cages for birds you’d come across at the shops. These differ in prices as much as materials, designs, styles, sizes, and features, hence the necessity to be aware of what it is you require to make for hassle-free shopping.

Find Out the Basic Cage Types

In terms of types, you can pick from sturdy metal designs, convenient fabric rucksacks, lightweight cloth cages, collapsible cages, and wheeled cages. Out of these, the metal, collapsible, and fabric rucksacks are the most popular for car travel thanks to the spaciousness, ease of use, and sturdiness they provide. Each of these comes with its own perks.

The powder-coated wrought iron metal travel cages for birds are perfect for long trips as they are designed to offer utmost comfort for your bird, without making it feel crammed. The rucksacks are great when you and your buddy are out for walks, and thanks to the soft design, they’re easy to store when not in use.

The collapsible design is ideal for somewhat shorter vehicle trips, and they’re much more lightweight than the wrought iron counterpart. Wheeled cages are useful for more flexibility with mobility, though are not as common. As for the cloth cages, they’re best used for short trips to the vet.

In case you’re in for a thrill with travel up in the air, you must first ensure the airline company approves birds on board. Then you can resume with the choice of carrier – the option is to get one you can store under the seat in front of you as a carry-on, or one that would go in the cargo hold.

Pick the Suitable Size

Same as when shopping for a cage for home, the travel bird carrier should be big enough to accommodate your bird comfortably, no matter whether it’s resting or awake. In addition to measuring up your pet from head to tail, remember that birds do tend to spread wings, so width is just as important as height.

To be sure you buy accordingly, always read reviews on the chosen design prior to the purchase, especially when shopping online to be certain the one you get is ideal for your specific bird. Checking for details by the manufacturer or retailer is crucial too as they usually indicate the birds fit for the design.

In case your bird can’t do without a set of toys, or accessories, be sure to get a bird carry cage with enough room to fit those in too. With airline travel, it’s important to point out the carrier must be in the size that suits the seat so check the aircraft model and class of travel info before setting out on the adventure.

Decide on the Features

Getting a safe and secure cage is above all essential, but these are definitely not the only aspects that matter. Features have a role in making the cage practical and convenient, so check out for handy elements like removable trays for any of the mess your bird makes, easy access to food bowls, a neat handle on the top for easy carrying, a design that’s easy to clean, and storage compartment for snacks and paper cage liners. Adjustable models such as those with portable perches are also valuable investments as they provide your pet with a comfortable spot to stand, climb, relax, or clean the beak.

Set the Bird Cage

Hotel pet-friendliness? Check! Travel cage? Check! Now it’s time to set up the chosen cage for the ride. Make a list of all the supplies you require of toys, food, and pellet items for the whole duration of the trip your beloved pet requires to stay its happy and healthy self and pack them up in the storage. To keep the mess at bay, avoid adding water to the tray and use a bottle with a drinking spout instead.

If necessary, you could cover the bottom with a towel too to absorb the spills and assist with hygiene. Also, you need to keep your chirpy fellows safe and secure by securing the bird travel cages with the seatbelts over at the backseats to have the peace of mind they stay put throughout the drive. If the trip is in the air, it’s important to add the needed label that would indicate “live animal” and show what the upright position is. Don’t forget to add a tag with your personal info, flight info, contact info, and health certificate as well.

Visit the Vet

It’s no secret you need to pay the vet a visit to check for necessary permits, health certificates, and medical records, especially crucial when planning a trip abroad. But these are not the only reasons why you should take your pet to the vet – you need to first see if your feathered pal is ready for the trip. Birds are susceptible to health issues, more so when there’s a change in environment, so you ought to be sure your friend can handle the endeavour.

If needed, the vet can prescribe meds, or supplements to keep it in perfect shape. They could also give you heads-up when it comes to experiencing some health issues on the way, much like they can assist you with assembling your bird’s first aid kit for those “just in case” scenarios!

Do Some Acclimating

Although most birds enjoy the change in scenery, not all are pleased to go through the stress of travelling. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Hence, it’s your job as the owner to ensure a smooth trip by allowing your bird to get used to the carrier days before the trip.

Going on short car trips around the block, or to the vet’s, and going for walks together will do the trick. These test experiences will also point out if you’re dealing with a bird that suffers from motion sickness and might require the use of accessories like cage covers which are additionally helpful with keeping anxiety to a low level and protecting your pet from direct sunlight. Here’s to a safe and smooth trip!


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