Bike Touring with Kids

If you dream of spending quality time as a family, then you need a cargo bike for kids! You don’t have to spend a lot of money to create lasting memories everyone will cherish for a lifetime; all you need is a cargo bike and a sense of adventure! With a cargo bike, also known as a freight bicycle, you and your children can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors as you spend your days exploring, letting their imaginations run wild.

Often, parents are unsure of which bike to choose when traveling with the family, a dilemma that often results in choosing a model that isn’t a good fit. Fortunately, a cargo bike for kids has ample space for the entire family and all your gear, so you can travel in comfort everywhere you go. Additionally, you will love the front seating, which allows for easy conversations without the need for yelling.

Cargo bicycle tours have become one of the most popular activities for families, with thousands discovering the joy and excitement they have to offer. Thanks to their ease of use, safety, affordability, sustainability, and of course, fun, cargo bikes for kids are an excellent way to bond with the people you love most. There’s truly no better way to travel with your family than a cargo bike!

What To Bring On Your Cargo Bike Tour

When you’re ready to hit the road with your family, you want to ensure you have all the necessary equipment to keep your kids happy and comfortable. Here are a few of the top pieces of gear you should have before you hit the road.

Floor Mats – Adventuring often means getting dirty, so help keep your cargo bike clean with water and a dust-proof floor mat.

Seat Cushions – Little bums can become sore when sitting, which is why adding a high-quality memory foam cushion is essential for ensuring your children stay comfortable all day long.

Sun And Rain Canopy – Protect your kids from the elements with a fully enclosed sun and rain canopy, so they can enjoy your adventure no matter what the weather brings.

Sun Shade – Don’t risk burning your little ones’ sensitive skin, adding a sun shade can keep them cool and safe from damaging UV rays.

Lockable Storage Compartment – Be sure your valuables are safe during your journey with a lockable storage compartment.

Tips For a Successful Cargo Bike Tour

As parents, you want to ensure your kids have the time of their lives as you set out on your excursion. Proper preparation is key to ensuring you have everything you need, including any medication, safety equipment, food, and more. Before you gear up, check out these tips to help ensure you and your family have a successful cargo bike tour you’ll never forget!

1. Manage Your Expectations

Let’s be real, you probably have a picture of the perfect excursion where everyone is laughing and happy the entire time. Chances are, especially if your kids are younger, things won’t go exactly as you think. The good news is that’s ok, some of the most memorable trips happen from the unexpected. So keep an open mind and enjoy the journey.

2. Plan Your Route

Cargo bikes for kids are an excellent way to explore, but it’s always a good idea to make a plan of your route beforehand. Knowing where you can travel, including bike-friendly paths, will help keep your anxiety down and reduce the risk of getting lost.

3. Don’t Forget The Snacks

Snacks are one of the best ways to keep kids entertained and help thwart breakdowns. Little ones don’t handle hunger very well, so ensuring you always have a tasty (and healthy) treat available will keep them satisfied and content.
4. Don’t Neglect Maintenance

Maintaining your freight bicycle will keep it running smoothly and help avoid unwanted breakdowns. Before you head out, check the tire pressure, make sure the batteries are fully charged, the brakes work well, and there are no loose bolts or screws.

5. Research Your Destination

Researching your destination before beginning your bike tour can help you avoid unwelcome surprises during your trip. Check that there are plenty of bike lanes, cargo bike-accessible parking, and any specific laws in place regarding the use of cargo bicycles in the city. You’ll also want to be aware of all charging ports in the area, just in case you need one during your trip.

Don’t Forget Your Gear

Cargo bikes for family travel allow you to pack all the gear you need without worrying about running out of space. While their comfort and portability may make you forget your riding a bicycle, they do require you and your kids to wear proper safety gear while traveling. Helmets are a must, especially for young travelers, so be sure to include them in your packing list. You can also bring along the accessories discussed earlier to keep everyone safe and comfortable as you explore.

Cargo bikes for kids are an excellent way to bond and create memories for your family. Spending the day (or longer) on a cycling tour with your kids will help inspire their imagination and develop a love of learning and exploration they will carry for a lifetime. Now you can save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and discover new and exciting places while you spend time together as a family on your very own cargo bicycle!


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