3 Things to Avoid Leaving Until Last Minute When Planning a Vacation

While planning a vacation is incredibly fun, it can also be a significant amount of stress because of the many things that it entails. There are so many elements to take into consideration as well as many expenses to consider. If you aren’t organized, you can fall into the trap of creating more stress than necessary trying to get everything done at the last minute. Not only can last minute be stressful, but when you’re in a hurry, you usually tend to forget things, leave important items behind, or pay far more than you should if you planned ahead. On that note, you need to ensure you plan ahead of time so that things run as smoothly as possible. You’re going to find three things that you should avoid leaving until last minute when planning a vacation that you should consider during your planning phase. 


planning a vacation

When going on vacation, setting a budget is important. This is because vacations can be more expensive than you’d imagine and the last thing you want is to be on vacation and find that you’ve run out of money. For this reason, you should write down every expense and have a rough estimate of how much it’s going to cost. It should include things such as your flight, hotel, food, souvenirs, and activities. Once you’ve decided on a budget, you can then determine whether or not you can afford to go immediately, or you should postpone it until you have enough. Either way, you can then proceed to find ways to reduce your in-house expenses so that you have a little extra to save every month. It could mean opting to miss out on a few movie nights or eating out a little less. General tips for creating a vacation budget include assigning money to each category, making a shopping list, tracking your spending, and deciding on a spending limit. 


Knowing where you’re going to stay is extremely important when planning a vacation. In light of this, you should take time out to do your research and decide what your ideal hotel would be for your destination. Bear in mind that sometimes what you see online isn’t the reality, so double checking and asking around is vital. If, for instance, you’re going to Niagara Falls this summer, you should ideally search for Niagara Falls hotels Canada to compare prices and look for reviews to make sure it’s what you want. In addition to this, ensure your hotel isn’t too far from where all of the main activities are, and you have any added facilities you may desire like a gym, spa, or all-inclusive meals if you’d rather avoid eating out. By taking the time out to do this, you should find the quality and standard you desire that’s within your budget. Your primary objective should be knowing that your home away from home is comfortable enough. 

Paying Your Bills  

Before going on vacation, try and remember to ensure your bills are paid on time. If not, you could be coming home to late payment charges and tons of notifications from the people you’re owing. After spending money to go on vacation in the first place, the last thing you want is to end up with unforeseen expenses due to improper planning. On that note, some ways to ensure your bills are paid on time and you don’t forget include signing up for auto pay, scheduling a bill-payment time, signing up to receive reminders via email, and paying over the phone where possible. It also sometimes helps to write your bills down in an organizer that you use frequently or on a calendar that you often see. If you have direct debits, then you won’t need to worry about this too much as it will come directly out of your account on the day that it’s due. By doing these things, you should ensure you have a peaceful vacation and avoid chaos when you get back home. 

Vacations should be an enjoyable experience, but leaving things to the last minute can make them a disaster. If you want to enjoy your time away, try and do the necessary things beforehand. It could mean planning your trip months in advance to ensure you get your money’s worth and it’s a success. It does sometimes happen that no matter how much planning you do, things don’t go according to plan. However, you should still try and do your best to ensure that it’s smooth sailing most of the way through!  


One Comment

  1. Remember to notify your bank and credit card company as to where you’re traveling to and when you’ll be there. The last thing you want is for your bank to freeze your ATM card or your credit card company to cancel your card because they see unusual activity on the card.

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