Important Ridesharing Safety Tips for Passengers

Undoubtedly, the increased popularity of ridesharing has made traveling to a new destination easier than ever before. However, being prepared in the event of an accident or safety concern will help you ensure your well being as a rideshare passenger. 

travelling on the road

Ridesharing Explained 

Due to its ability to enable quick and convenient transportation with little advance notice, ridesharing services have grown exponentially in recent years. Riders are able to communicate with drivers, receive live real-time updates and information, and complete payment all through the use of a smartphone app. This provides an alluring alternative to that additional hassell that public transportation and taxi cabs entail. The rapid growth and accessibility of travel has allowed ridesharing services to facilitate billions of completed trips internationally. 

Five Actionable Rideshare Safety Tips  

  1. Be an active and alert passenger. It is important to understand that if you ever feel uncomfortable for any reason during the ride, being precautious and asking the driver to pull over and let you exit the vehicle is always a good option. Also, paying attention to the specific route outlined on your rideshare app will help ensure your driver follows the GPS directions correctly.  
  2. Sit in the backseat of the vehicle.This will allow you to exit the vehicle in a quick and effective manner in the event of an emergency. Also, the additional space between you and your driver helps establish an additional level of safety. 
  3. Verify your driver and vehicle information.Your rideshare vehicle’s make, model, license plate number, driver name, and driver profile picture should all be available within your app once a trip is confirmed. Double checking all of this information will verify that you’re in the correct vehicle and with the correct driver. 
  4. Share your location and trip details. Popular rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have features that allow you to share your trip details and location to desired contacts using the app. Doing so will maximize the successful outcome of each of your rideshare trips, regardless of the circumstances. 
  5. Avoid waiting outside unnecessarily. This is of primary importance. Before booking or confirming a trip, overexposing yourself to potential threats by waiting outside in an unsafe area is a preventable risk. Limit this increased vulnerability by requesting your trip and waiting for your driver in a safe location whenever possible. 

What if My Rideshare Driver Gets in an Accident? 

Rideshare accidents can be incredibly confusing and complex, but what is most important is understanding how to take the appropriate steps following a rideshare accident to protect your rights as a passenger. Here are a few helpful tips: 

  • Seek necessary medical attention and get treatment for any injuries you may have incurred. 
  • Collect detailed notes and evidence at the accident scene to prepare yourself to present a factual account of what took place. 
  • Withhold from signing any formal statements or insurance claim settlements because this can affect your ability to receive fair compensation in the future. 
  • Notify your insurance company and the rideshare company involved and learn the guidelines and next steps moving forward 




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