Family Holiday Tips From Start To Finish

No matter what time of the year it is, holidays can be fresh on the mind. At this time of year especially you can be in full planning mode of the next steps and what you want to do with your travels. Working out school holiday schedules and time off from work. However, travelling as a family can be tricky. There is so much more to think about and plan for and the spontaneity of a trip isn’t always on the cards. So what should you be thinking about? Here are some suggestions to help you get started.

planning trip
Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License

Before You Go

The rising stress levels can appear before you even set foot on a plane or head to your destination. There just seems like so much to think about and do. With very little time to get it all done. So be aware of your timeframe and plan accordingly. Take some time to write down everything you want to do and tick it off as you get those jobs completed.


Unfortunately we can’t take everything we want away with us. We don’t have the luggage space or the weight allowance if travelling on a plane. This is why a handy tip is to consider the outfit choices of each day. Try and workout what each person may need each day and then pack the essentials. If there is any space you can then consider packing the extra bits you want to take. It’s a good idea to have a list of what people may need. Overpacking is one of the biggest mistakes parents can make when going on holiday. This is where you run the risk of packing things you don’t need or forgetting something that you do. Finally, try and remember that you can buy things when you arrive at your destination. Many people panic about these kinds of things but honestly you won’t need to worry.

Getting the house ready

Getting the house ready for your vacation may seem a little pointless. You aren’t going to be there so why bother getting it all cleaned up. This is the biggest trick many people miss out on. What you don’t want to do is come home to a huge mess. Your home will get into a little chaos comes the lead up to your vacation. So why would you want to come home to that?The last thing you will want to do when you return is mop floors, clean the kitchen and bathroom surfaces. This is why giving your home a deep clean before you head away will be the biggest achievement.

Coming home to a super clean house will feel like heaven after a relaxing vacation. Use products that will cut through grease and grime to get the desired effect and to ensure that clean finish lasts while you get back. When you are sat on the plane you will be thankful for the effort you put in beforehand. You will already be full of energy getting ready for the vacation so take advantage of it and get those jobs done. Here are some tips about how to keep your house clean.

Documents and vaccinations needed

Finally, make sure you have all the documents needed. If these are email confirmation then get them printed up and placed safely in a travel document folder. Some destinations require you to have vaccinations. It’s always worth checking and seeking advice from your doctor. The last thing you want is your family suffering while you are supposed to be enjoying a fantastic summer vacation. If you are unsure, then head online to find out what you need to do. While on the subject of medical advice, don’t forget to get your insurance in place. Just in case.

Using technology while you are away

There is an element of planning when it comes to technology and using it while you are away. Many people like to take advantage of cameras for capturing the memories, so ensure that before you go your cameras are charged, your memory cards are blank and you pack the chargers for while you are there. Mobile phones and tablets are also popular choices to use while you are away, but you do need to take into account things like roaming charges. This is when you might need to think about making some changes to the contract you have and finding something more suitable. A new mobile phone or tablet data SMARTY plan could be suitable and may help you to keep those costs down and avoid a hefty phone bill on your return. Another thing to think about would be the use of technology while you are there, what you might be needing it for etc. With children, tablets can come in handy at night to keep them occupied while you enjoy a meal.

Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License

Tips for getting there

Getting there can be half the battle. Whether you are travelling abroad on a plane. Using the car or the train, here are some essential tips to keep you sane on the journey.

Pack snacks

Children are always hungry. So just as you would for a day trip out somewhere snacks will be your saviour. Try and pack a variety in an easy accessible bag. Hand luggage on a plane can be stowed under the seat in front of you. It would be recommended keeping the snacks close by. You can then pull them out at a moment’s notice and defuse a situation that could turn nasty. Not only are snacks beneficial for children, but you and your partner will be happy if they come the moment that hunger strikes.

Pack activities to keep them occupied

It’s always handy to keep some activities handy. Keeping your children occupied will help get you through a long plane or car journey. Some great suggestions would be sticker books, small crafty items or colouring books. Another great tip would be to wrap them up like presents. This works well with younger children as the excitement is partly in the opening up to see what they have. You could also include small items they can play with like mini lego sets, cars or dolls. You don’t need to spend a fortune. Often heading to your local thrift store can allow you to stock up on small things.

Consider a timed alliance with your partner

It’s never pleasant when one of you is in sole charge of the children. You can often feel jealous of your partner with their earphones in happily travelling and enjoying the journey. This is where having an agreement with your partner can keep you both sane. Agree a timed amount where you would each take charge. Thirty minutes tends to be a good place to start. This allows each of you to help with the load of keeping the children occupied. While also getting some recharge time.

While you are there

Finally, once you are there you need to think about some of the other things that you can do to make sure the actual holiday and vacation runs smoothly. Here are some suggestions to help you make the most out of your stay.

Have a routine

Children thrive on routine, and although while you are on holiday you may want to try and cool that down a little, a loose routine may still be important. It might be ensuring they get to bed for a certain time, or keeping meal times at similar times of the day to avoid any confusion with eating habits. It might just be a small change that you make, but it can help children to thrive and still be aware of a structure. It also means there is less of a battle when you return from your vacation as you will have kept some things in place.

Plan an itinerary

Another thing you may want to think about is some sort of itinerary to your trip away. It could be that you try and plan your day in the morning, so you can keep to timings such as pool day or a trip to the beach. Or it may be that you have some sight seeing that you want to do at your destination so planning for trips can help you to budget for your break away and know what is expected of your time there. Planning in advance can also mean that you can maybe book tickets online ahead of you even arriving, making a saving on tickets.

Let things go

Last of all, although you may want to plan as much as you can and stick with a routine, you might also need to let your guard things and let things go a little more than you might do at home. It can be unnerving to let go of routine as strict as you may have at home, but a holiday is all about relaxation and enjoying quality time together. If your plans don’t go the way you want it won’t be the end of the world. Just enjoy the time you have together and make incredible memories.

Let’s hope this guide helps you when it comes to the family holiday.


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