5 responses

  1. Travel Optician
    March 19, 2018

    I love posts like this – useful ones, especially because I always forget something with me! So, I think it’s time to make a list, and your tips will definitely help me in it. Thanks for sharing them!


  2. Shreya Saha
    March 19, 2018

    So you have mentioned all of them that even I would love to tag along with me, I would love to add power bank, oh man, isn’t that too essential?


  3. Becca Talbot
    March 19, 2018

    I think you’ve covered just about everything here!! I actually have the same portable charger as you, also purchased from Amazon, and can definitely recommend it x


  4. Renata Green
    March 20, 2018

    Your recommendations are really good and useful. A little extra-tip: You can get all these things really cheap everywhere in Asia and in Latin America, too, so no need to schlep them with you; and the quality is just as good – most of the time the stuff we get in Europe or in the US is manufactured there, anyway.


  5. David M. Johnson
    April 21, 2018

    An excellent list, you don’t need everything and the list is great reminder for me at least to ensure I have the bare essentials and peace of mind to travel without worry.


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