Best Countries for Students to Have a Gap Year

Gap years have long been a popular option for incoming and present college students to take a break from their studies and enjoy the rest of their lives. This year off gives them a chance to get to know themselves better, find a new passion or pursue a career they may not have otherwise considered, and it gives them time to mature before entering the next phase of their lives. 

Gap year programs are increasingly becoming a popular alternative to entering college after high school. They give students time to mature and decide their educational path, all while boosting self-reliance and confidence in the process. 

Many gap years also focus on volunteering and service-learning activities. These are excellent ways to get experience, build relationships and positively impact the community. 

You should also consider how your gap year will benefit your career goals. Working or interning during your gap year can be a great way to get experience and build your resume before you start college. It can also help you save money so you don’t have to take out student loans when you go. 


France is one of the world’s most cosmopolitan countries, with a rich history and culture that appeals to gap year students. Its sweeping coastline, quaint cities, and famous vineyards make it a must-visit destination for those who love a good adventure. 

With a growing international community, the country has also become home to several prestigious universities, including the University of Paris and the University of Cambridge. Various internships, work experience programs, and volunteering opportunities allow students to explore and gain practical experiences in their field of interest. Of course, sometimes, it can be challenging to apply to such programs – you have to prepare a cover letter, recommendations and other documents. But you can always use the help of services that specialize in this. For example, you use free essay writing websites in preparing a cover letter. Remember – all this preparation definitely worth a result! 

If you want to study abroad but don’t have a degree, there are a variety of courses available to take online or through your local college. These are a great way to learn more about your chosen subject and boost your CV to stand out on applications. 


bucket list places in Canada
Whether you’re looking for a year of adventure, volunteering, or internships, Canada is one of the best places for students to have a gap year. Known for its beautiful scenery, cosmopolitan cities, and bohemian west-coast villages, the country has no shortage of opportunities to get out there. 

Besides offering the chance to see the world, a gap year can be a time to connect with your values and interests. This can help you decide what direction you’re headed in and how to make it happen. 

If you’re considering taking a gap year in Canada, plan your budget accordingly. This can be a challenging year for many students, and having a financial plan is essential so you don’t end up broke. 

United States 


The United States of America is one of the best places for students to have a gap year. It has much to offer gappers, including world-class universities, various study abroad options, and various career choices. It’s also a great place to travel, both domestically and internationally. The US offers a range of options, from hiking in national parks to backpacking through remote wilderness. 

There are also several bridge programs for students who want to take a gap year before enrolling in a degree program, such as Princeton’s tuition-free Gap Year Program. It sends incoming students on a nine-month overseas program that is designed to prepare them for university life. 

Many of the country’s colleges and universities have a strong reputation for offering innovative and challenging degrees, making it easy for students to tailor their education to their interests. In addition to traditional classes, American universities use the latest technology to provide students with immersive experiences. 

It’s a great way to gain experience before deciding on a college major or career, and it can be an excellent time to travel and explore the world. However, it’s worth noting that the USA can be a costly and challenging destination to travel through, so it’s essential to make sure you budget properly for your year abroad. 

South Africa 

South Africa is a fantastic place for students to have a gap year because it offers a variety of activities and experiences. South Africa has something for everyone, from surfing to trekking and bungee jumping! You can also get a great deal on accommodation and have the chance to explore parts of the country that are still off the beaten track. 

There are many opportunities to choose from in South Africa for a gap year, including volunteering and internships. Volunteers can work with children, teach English or sports, or work in conservation and wildlife management. You can even travel to Africa and spend a year in the field on a professional safari guide program. 

The University of Cape Town is one of the best places to study in South Africa if you are looking for a top-notch education. The university is known for its solid collegial system and reputation as a leading African institution. The school sits at the foot of Table Mountain, surrounded by breathtaking views. 

You can also study at the University of Johannesburg, where you’ll find one of the world’s most extensive collections of fossils and flora. The UJ also manages social projects to improve the lives of its surrounding communities, so it’s a great option for students who want to gain real-world experience before heading to college. 

If you’re a student interested in conservation, you can intern at the Nature Conservancy of South Africa in Knysna. During your time there, you’ll learn about conservation techniques and how to use telemetry equipment to monitor animals in the wild. You’ll also work to improve your guiding and teaching skills and receive certification that will benefit you in any future career. 


Another great place for a gap year is Brazil. This continent-sized nation offers an incredible range of activities and attractions, including awe-inspiring mountain peaks and the sprawling Amazon rainforest. 

It’s also a great place to get involved with community projects, a popular choice among many gap year students. From helping out on farms to participating in a wildlife conservation project, you will surely find something exciting for your next adventure! 

There are so many ways to have a fun and fulfilling gap year. Some of these ideas will even help you save for university – whether it’s getting a job in your area or building up some passive income streams. 


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