Having It All: Finding A Way to Work and Travel at the Same Time

The American student loan debt exceeds $1.38 trillion, and it grows over $2,700 every second. Not only does this ticking time bomb threaten the world’s economy, it also threatens the quality of life for potentially high-earners who settle for low-income jobs they hate just to barely make ends meet. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 24% of American workers currently incorporate some type of telecommuting opportunities into their work schedules to permit more freedom to travel and experience life outside of the office. While it’s simply not possible for everyone to work at home or via mobile applications, there are still some sneaky ways to combine work and travel for a well-rounded life.

Prioritize and Plan Travel

Dreams can evolve into regret if they’re not achieved. While it’s hard to plan and prioritize travel, it’s certainly not impossible. Focus on your ultimate goals and break them down into reachable levels. If your goal is to travel the world but you make little more than minimum wage, sign up for overtime and look into advancement opportunities. Sign up for or make it well-known that you’re open to accepting business trips. Before long, you’ll be able to afford to travel the country or even leave it altogether for your first jaunt. Remember: a puzzle requires each piece to complete the entire picture.

Schedule Your Trips the Smart Way

Warmer months and high-tourist times may fill your days with Caribbean dreams, but your boss might have completely other ideas. Save your career and sanity by scheduling your travel plans around your days off. A well-planned holiday excursion or even a one-tank weekend trip can go a long way towards reaching your annual travel quota. And long weekends can be the perfect length to explore a special destination outside of the country or even across the globe.

Claim Those Vacation Days

Even if your job doesn’t offer the traditional “vacation”, most American employees receive up to 10 paid days off per year (sick or personal days) plus another six federal holidays. If you get the right deals at the right time that’s over two weeks worth of incredible travel potential.

Many employees worry about the mound of work they’ll return to while others worry about returning to a job at all. Some even believe taking time off will negatively affect their finances. While 63% of young Americans with student loan debt opt to not make large purchases or step out of their comfort zones, the right program can actually help improve their life and assist students with their loans. So live a little and take the vacation days you have coming while they’re available.

Opt to Travel Alone

Most people wouldn’t dream of going to the movies alone let alone cross an ocean by themselves. But as fun as traveling in pairs or groups sound, it’s often more of a curse than going alone. Regardless of how similar you may be, how well you get along, or how many things you have in common any given day, you’re bound to have completely different ideas on how the vacation should go. Traveling alone can help you meet new people and see the destinations or sights you actually want to see without unnecessary stress, regret, or expense.

Traveling can improve your life in countless ways if you just take the bull by the horns, but your finances do need to be in order first.  Are you ready for the break you deserve?


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