5 Essential Tips for Beginner Cyclists

Cycling is a fun, effective and low-impact form of exercise however if you are new to cycling, you want to make sure that you are well prepared. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert before you saddle up but you do need to arm yourself with a bit of knowledge before you start cycling.

cycling trip

Here are five essential tips to facilitate your journey as a newbie cyclist.

  1. Professional Bike Fitting

This might not be necessary if you already own a bike however if you are shopping for a new bike make sure you get a professional fitting. Most bicycle shops will provide you with this service when you are buying your bike anyway but if they don’t offer it, ask.

There is nothing worse than purchasing a bicycle that just doesn’t feel right. Getting a professional bike fitting could determine whether you love or hate cycling, and whether you remain consistent or you quit after the first session.

  1. Start Slow

Some newbie cyclists start off too quickly and push themselves too hard. Remember, you need to be able to walk before you can run. Start off with daily short rides of 20 to 30 minutes on a flat surface. Work your way up to longer rides and steeper climbs, but don’t push yourself before you are ready to do so.

  1. Professional Maintenance

Get your bike professionally maintained to ensure that it’s safe for you to ride. If you are a complete newbie, don’t try and fix it yourself. If it needs new parts, search for a bike shop. For example, if you live in or near Cambridge, go online and search for “bike parts in Cambridge.”

  1. Pack Water and Snacks

This might seem like an obvious tip however, it is easy to forget these things when you are just starting out. As a beginner cyclist, remembering these simple tips will make all the difference on your first few cycling trips.

  1. Carry a Patch Kit

You might not be able to use a patch kit when you first start cycling however, if you are serious about building a strong cycling habit, learning how to use a patch kit is essential. You can purchase them from all bike shops and they should give you a quick rundown on how to use them. When you start building your stamina, you will definitely need to carry a patch kit with you, especially on longer cycling sessions

Cycling is a really good choice for weight loss, building stamina and strengthening your muscles. One of the best tips of newbie cyclists is to start small and build up, don’t be tempted to set yourself mammoth cycling goals. Start off by setting small, attainable targets for example, you could set yourself a target to go cycling three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes each session.

If you don’t already own a bicycle,purchase a bike from a bike shop and ensure that you get a proper bike fitting before you start riding. Carry water and healthy snacks with you on longer rides and always carry a patch kit. It’s best to learn how to use a patch kit before you start riding that way, you will be armed with the knowledge before you start building your cycling habit. .


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